“The unemployment rate stood at 6.1%, higher than in August
and June 2022 (0.1 p.p. for both months) and lower than in the same month of
2021 (0.2 p.p.)”.
The unemployed population increased by 1.6% in September
compared to August to 318.8 thousand people (an additional 5.5 thousand
unemployed people). Compared to the same period in 2021, it fell by 2.6% (8,300
fewer people).
As for the employed population, it was estimated at 4,874.7
thousand people, that is, a decrease of 0.2% compared to August (9,3 thousand
people less employed), but an increase of 0.1% compared to the three months
before. Compared to the same period last year, the employed population
increased by 0.8%.