"A year ago, anyone who wanted to buy a kilogram of oranges, gala apples, golden apples, bananas, tomatoes, cauliflower, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, red potatoes, courgettes, onions and cauliflower and a bag of garlic would have to pay, on average, 23.60 euros. A year later, the same basket of fruit and vegetables costs 7.21 euros more, that is, a total of 30.81 euros, which represents an increase of 30.53%" , advances the consumer protection organisation.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, "practically all food has become more expensive and Portuguese consumers are finding it increasingly difficult to buy essential goods", underlines DECO.

Between February 23, 2022 and February 22, 2023, the price of a basket of essential foods increased by 23.40%, now representing an additional expense of 42.97 euros for families, who have to spend 226.60 euros to stock the pantry.

The consumer protection organisation notes that "fruits and vegetables are the category with the highest percentage increase, but all categories registered double-digit increases in the last year".