“Lucky to have Alexey singing and playing guitar. Absolute magic!”. Next? Head of ‘Pop-Up’ Shops, Anita is busy gathering goodies together from their charity shops in Alvor and Silves. “We have a wonderful array of designer goods, hand-made items, ornaments, everything for the home and garden.” Both Jenny and Anita are always on hand to help old friends and newcomers alike, to choose a gift, or suggestions for hanging paintings.
Their next venue ‘Jolly’ Bar is going to be a really interesting one. Apart from the goods supplied to APAA, will be beautiful cards and prints with Gill Goode’s table. Fiona has her Fi-Line fashions for the upcoming season. Layers by the looks of the weather. Fiona makes her own jewellery, absolutely beautifully crafted. Alongside APAA, will be newcomer Isabel Searle. Isabel has an animal sanctuary called ‘Tiny Shelter’.
Although smaller than most it is a home for the abandoned animals. Whether they be large or small.
Isabel is borrowing APAA’s tried and tested ‘Pop-Up’ skills to put her charity table out and see if she too can make a success for her area in Albufeira. Jenny is quick to add. “After all ‘Here to Help’ is our motto. That means, all animals, everywhere, anywhere we can reach and be of some sort of help.” Apparently, there are no borders for the boarders.
Large hearted people do large hearted deeds. ARA, another group, outside Loulé are also somewhere on APAA’s agenda. “During our visits we found a lot of things in common.” Jenny and Anita agree. “It’s like a doggy paradise!” Indeed, ARA’s ‘Cabanita’, is a dream-come-true. Beautifully, but sensibly thought out cabins and parks. Animal-loving volunteers. Nevertheless, re-homing all animals, is their main pre-occupation.
APAA’s Jenny and Sid Richardson of ARA, along with João, their General Manager, are totally agreed on finding that special home for every animal. Their ambitious re-homing schedule is around 30 a month. Wow!
Meanwhile, back at the APAA, ranch; dumped on a doorstep, and finally, transported to Jenny, five newly born kittens and their mum “Their eyes are opening, but more interested in staying warm under mum and being fed!” Mum has already found a home, when she’s finished feeding the little ones. “The kitties will be looking for their forever homes. The five are made up of one ginger, one black and three mixed with white.
“They will all be sterilised. APAA’s SNiP (Spaying & Neutering Programme) never stops!” Jenny has a recent photo. “Bit blurred.” She laughs. “But we soldier on, finding homes.” Any room?