Anita of APAA, has seven. Seven loving devoted dogs. Wendy and her husband Gary, have seven. “It is a perfect pack number.” Wendy says. “The problem is when you fall in love with a dog and you cannot say ‘No’. So that’s how we’ve got seven!”. Anita had the same issue, finding yet another abandoned furry friend, by the bins, she could not turn it away. Resting in between running ‘Pop-Ups’, and spending time with her canine friends.

Wendy and Gary have a huge sprawling backyard. Called ‘Pet Park’. Moving from Castro Marim, on towards Alvor, they came to rest just outside Mexilhoeira Grande, where the boarding kennels and cattery is situated. With seven of their own and a boarding business, which as they put it “Goes from busy to busier. Just as it looks as if things are going quiet, more bookings!” They have both done a lot of work to the cattery fencing, making it more secure. The interior looks like a feline paradise. Swinging tyres, things to creep into and around, pounce onto. The canine side is split into fully furnished several larger kennels with medium and smaller ones. Association for Protection of Animals Algarve, have a lot to thank ‘Pet Park’ for. Jenny has arrived with some food and blankets for the APAA lodgers. “Looks like the dogs are all out for their exercise!” Jenny shouts over the woofs and yaps. “Of course, the rain does not help it’s all or nothing at the moment.”

The dogs are having a wonderful time, playing and running around the huge fenced-off areas. The natural countryside of huge trees and shrubbery gives them plenty of sniffing and places to do their “thing”. Some are segregated with being in season. Trying to keep their walks and playtime separate from the boys is not easy but at ‘Pet Park’ they seemed to accomplish what is necessary for each of their boarders. The APAA abandoned dogs are given just as much, attention, love, and exercise. “Unfortunately some have become institutionalised. This has become their home.” Sad but true.

Credits: Supplied Image; Author: Client;

“There is of course ‘Rafa’ our 2-yr old German Shepherd who has almost hit the lucky number but really needs the right home.” Rafa is sniffing Jenny’s hand for a biscuit. ‘Lilly’ a little six-year-old Podengo, is in charge of the gate. ”She’s a sweet loyal girl. Needs a stable home too.” Another handful of biscuits disappears.

Give a dog a home? Pet Park Gary & Wendy 926660465.