The National Maritime Authority (AMN) has banned the use of loudspeakers or other portable sound equipment that upsets other people, on beaches under their jurisdiction.

In the document, it is possible to read that it is forbidden the "use of sound equipment and development of noise generating activities that, under the terms of the law, may cause disturbance".

If anyone feels disturbed by the noise coming from a speaker or similar device, they should contact the responsible authorities so that they stop the activity. According to the document: "the supervision is the responsibility of the local entities of the National Maritime Authority and the police or administrative authorities competent for the matter or area of jurisdiction".

The fines could "vary between 200 and 4.000€ for individuals and between 2.000 and 36.000€ for companies, as stated in Law 50/2006, published on 29 August, not forgetting the possibility of accessory penalties - like the seizure of the object used to commit the offence".