To satisfy his father’s ambitions, Aloysius was trained in the art of war and was obliged to attend military parades and royal banquets. He was so disappointed by the vices of the nobility that he developed an intense desire for religious life.

He fasted three times a week on bread and water, scourged himself with sticks, and rose at midnight to pray on the stone floor of his room. To safeguard his chastity, he would keep his eyes persistently downcast in the presence of women.

After reading a book describing the experiences of the Jesuit missionaries in India, he determined to become one of them. In 1585, against the furious opposition of his father, Aloysius renounced his inheritance and entered the Society of Jesus in Rome. Six weeks later, his father died in peace with the Lord.

Aloysius was a model of perfection. Aware of the dangers of pride, he requested to serve in the kitchen and to perform the most humble duties. In 1591, while serving the sick during a plague, he contracted the disease and died after three months of suffering. He was only 23 year old.

In the last letter to his mother he wrote: Take care not to insult God’s loving kindness by mourning for a dead one living face-to-face with God. Our parting will not be for long; we shall see each other in heaven.