The funding was announced by the Secretary of State for Tourism when André Gomes took office as president of the Algarve Tourism Region (RTA). Nuno Fazenda reveals that one of the events will be the “biggest meeting of travel and tourism agents in Germany“. The minister stressed that “tourism and hotel businessmen in the Algarve have wanted to attract this event to the region for a long time”, and this has now been achieved “thanks to the efforts of the Portuguese Government and the Entidade Regional de Turismo do Algarve”.

The “Michelin Star Revelation Gala” was another of the initiatives mentioned by Nuno Fazenda, taking place in Portugal for the first time, more specifically in the Algarve. The event will take place on the 27th of February next year at the NAU Salgados Palace, in Albufeira.

Despite this funding to promote major events, the new president of the regional tourism entity, who will remain in office for the next five years, wants more funds for the Algarve region, having already warned last week that this “new cycle will demand more attention from the guardianship”.

Quoted in a statement, André Gomes promised: "to be firm and determined in the defense of the region's interests, first of all in terms of funding". At the same time, he expressed his commitment “to the struggle for the sustainability of the territory and the search for solutions to the lack of water in the south of the country”.