Taking into account the latest balance from the Portuguese Environment Agency, recorded on Monday, heavy rain in October caused an increase in the volume of water stored in dams, particularly in the north and center, placing the national average at 71%, an increase compared to the 68% observed the previous Monday.

This evolution represented a gain of 338 m3, which is equivalent, in comparative terms, to the total storage of the Alto Lindoso Dam, on the Lima River (Minho).

Of 79 monitored reservoirs, there are 34 with a stored volume of more than 80%, all of which are in the North and Center regions.

There is no indication of four reservoirs at the 100% quota: Serra Serrada, in the Douro River basin; Belver, Capinha and Cova do Viriato, all in the Tagus River basin.

In the south of the country, the situation is relatively different, as there are 5 dams that remain in the red, as they have a storage volume of less than 20%.

The most complicated situations are in Campilhas (6%) and Monte da Rocha (8%), both in the Sado river basin. Also in Alentejo, Vigia registers 15%. In the Algarve, the Bravura (8%) and Arade (15%) dams maintain their volume unchanged compared to the previous week.

Alqueva (Guadiana) which has the largest reservoir in the country is at 70% of maximum capacity. Baixo Sabor, in the Douro River basin records 90% and the third largest reservoir, Castelo de Bode (on the Zêzere River, a tributary of the Tagus), which supplies the Lisbon Metropolitan Area has 80% of the stored volume.