"It’s been registered that throughout the month of October there have been 36 search and rescue actions that saved 14 people", says the Navy in a statement, adding that since the beginning of the year there have been 353 search and rescue actions, that have resulted in the rescue of 376 people.

According to an estimate made of the month of October, the Navy accounts for 22 incidents in which eight people were saved in the area corresponding to the Marine Search and Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC) in Lisbon.

In the area of responsibility of the MRCC of Ponta Delgada, 12 search and rescue actions were coordinated, which resulted in the rescue of five people and in the Funchal sub-center one person was rescued in one of the two actions carried out.

The Navy calls attention to the contribution to the success of the search and rescue system, of the National Marine Authority, the Portuguese Air Force and other resources and means belonging to the Auxiliary Structure of the National Search and Rescue System.

"Highlighting the support provided by the ships and vessels in the search and rescue actions, that deviate from their commercial routes to provide the necessary assistance, always coordinated by the Nacional Centers - MRCC Lisboa e MRCC Delgada", reads the statement.