In a statement, the municipality chaired by Carlos Moedas indicates that the Municipal Tsunami Warning and Alert System will be tested, which consists of activating the siren installed in that location, "with the emission of sound signals for periods of around 10 minutes , which can happen several times during the exercise period."

The exercise, called NEWWAVE'23, will take place between 08:00 and 14:30 and aims to test "the effectiveness and degree of readiness of the tsunami warning system implemented in the region of the Northeast Atlantic, Mediterranean and Related Seas (NEAMTWS , in its acronym in English)", according to a note from the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC).

"This is a communications exercise, during which the various national and international stakeholders will exchange technical-operational notifications related to the eventuality of an earthquake responsible for generating a tsunami with an impact on the coasts of the Northeast Atlantic and, in particular, on the Portuguese coast", reads the information distributed by ANEPC.

According to the same source, Portugal participates in this exercise through ANEPC, the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), the General Directorate of the Maritime Authority, the Maritime Search and Rescue Service of the Navy, the Municipal Civil Protection Services and Fire Departments from coastal and estuarine municipalities on the continent.

Entities responsible "for the management of vital infrastructures in the energy, water supply, communications and road and railway networks" also participate.

IPMA intervenes in the exercise in the dual capacity of National Tsunami Warning Center and Tsunami Service Provider of NEAMTWS, being responsible for monitoring, detecting and disseminating tsunami warnings to national coordinating entities, as well as emergency management entities of various countries in the Northeast Atlantic, such as Morocco, Spain, United Kingdom, Denmark, France, Germany and Ireland, among others.

ANEPC involves the various levels of the structure of the national civil protection system, national, regional and sub-regional, in coordination with municipal levels and ensuring coordination with the remaining participating agents and entities.

The Lisbon City Council will promote an information and public awareness campaign about the risk of tsunami in several locations on the riverfront in the parish of Belém.