The new platform has come from the union of DoveVivo, ALTIDO and Chez Nestor and presents itself as having “a complete range of solutions in the real estate sector”, according to a report by idealista.

The objective is to “simplify the complexity of the market, which is fragmented and constantly evolving, with a positive and future-oriented approach”, according to a statement.

“The new platform brings together the experience of leading companies in the co-living, short-term rental and student accommodation segments, combining the experience acquired, available resources and project management, which allows for a unique offer in the European residential market. On the one hand, Joivy offers a wide range of advisory and management services to owners or potential owners and, on the other, a wide range of flexible spaces for those looking for short, medium and long-term accommodation”, says Joivy.

Valerio Fonseca, general director and co-founder of DoveVivo, highlights that the “launch of Joivy represents a relevant moment and a fundamental turning point in the company’s history. With Joivy, we finally present ourselves as a single group at an international level, exclusive in the European panorama, as well as the privileged partner for those who operate or wish to invest in housing”, he adds.

According to Thomas Archer, country manager at Joivy in Portugal, the company offers “diversified residential solutions”. “For Portugal, this is a need that has been growing with demand greater than supply, when it comes to housing. We want to simplify the real estate market, with the presentation of a range of services in a single company that seeks to meet this need that has been felt. We are the ideal partner for anyone looking for a housing solution”, he highlights.