However, more than half of respondents (53 percent) also consider shopping online: “In 2023, 53 percent of respondents intend to make purchases via the internet – a percentage in line with the previous year. This is a form of shopping that gathers more consensus among consumers aged 35 and 44, and those who live in the south of the country.

“In this universe of online purchases, respondents intend to do so mainly on national marketplaces (63 percent). International marketplaces are the choice of 52 percent of respondents and another 58 percent of respondents point out a specific brand websites as their favourites”, according to the statement and reported by NM.

How much will you spend?

The amount spent on these purchases has been falling since 2021 “when estimates pointed to an average online consumption of around €299”, according to the same study.

“In 2022, the estimate was €239 and in 2023 it will not exceed €127. More than half of people (54 percent) intend to save in relation to what they spent in the previous year.”