The constraints affect 67 specialties, compared to 72 in the previous week, including obstetrics.

According to the plan, the SNS Emergency Services have 83 points across the country and, despite the identified limitations, they have “demonstrated capacity for articulation” and response, with “the strong support of INEM”.

There will be 50 units that are fully operational (60%) and in the remaining units there will be a real improvement in specialties with constraints and days with limitations, says the SNS Executive Directorate.

The executive entity considers that there is a “consolidation of the trend towards improvement in response”, which is not unrelated to the effects of recent agreements with doctors and the impact reflected in the organisation of service rosters.

In the week between December 3rd and 9th, 44 emergency services were fully operational (53%), and the other 39 were experiencing constraints in some specialties.

Patients are advised to call SNS24 in advance (808 242 424). In urgent or emergency situations, you should contact 112, which will forward the call to INEM.

"Given the constraints of the current situation, there may be increased constraints on access to emergency services, with the main impact on less serious cases", the document admits.