According to Postal, Portimão has approved a variable tourist tax throughout the year, set at two euros per night during the high season, from March 1st to September 30th, and one euro in the low season, from October 1st to February 29th.

In both situations, the rate will be applied up to a maximum of seven nights, as indicated by the Mayor of Portimão, Isilda Gomes.

“Right now, we have everything approved, we are just waiting for publication. What we will charge is, in the high season, two euros per person and in the low season one euro per person. Children up to 13 years old pay nothing. The high season is from March to September and the low season is the remaining months, with the payment limit being seven days. We are thinking that this approved rate will be published within a short time and we are aiming to start charging during the high season, in March”, reveals the Mayor to TSF.

The Mayor's president plans to raise “a few million” euros through this tax and states that the funds obtained will be directed to boosting the city's tourism development.