Olive oil, horse mackerel and carolino rice were the products whose prices rose the most during the last week.

"The price of a food basket of 63 essential goods monitored by DECO PROTeste rose by almost six euros in the first week of 2024 and reached the highest value in the last two years. In the first week of the year, on January 3, it cost 236.04 euros Two years ago, when the consumer protection organization started this monitoring, this basket of essential goods cost 187.70 euros".

This basket, explains DECO Proteste, "had reached a record value on March 15, 2023, reaching 234.84 euros".

"However, on April 18, with the entry into force of zero VAT, it began to decline. This trend was reversed in mid-September when the total price of the basket began to rise again. Now, in the first week of 2024 , and even before the end of zero VAT, it surpassed the highest value recorded since January 5, 2022".

In the last week, between December 27, 2023, and January 3, 2024, extra virgin olive oil, horse mackerel and carolino rice were the products that saw their prices increase the most:

"Extra virgin olive oil increased by 1.62 euros (17%) between the last week of 2023 and the first week of 2024. On January 3, it cost 11.06 euros. Horse mackerel, in turn, increased by 59 cents per kilo (14%) and now costs 4.84 euros. Carolino rice increased by 24 cents (13%), to 2.07 euros".