The frequency on Earth is rising more quickly than anticipated, so we will have a smoother ride to the new Golden Age starting in 2032 than was expected! This is really good news! Many people are waking up to the fact that they are on a long soul journey and it is time to take responsibility for their lives. Even more are raising their personal frequency and acting for a higher purpose. And the veils between the physical realms and the spiritual ones are becoming thinner so more people are sensing or even seeing their angelic helpers.
There is a general sense of optimism in the world as more people glimpse the golden future to which we are inevitably heading.
Leaders in 2024
There will be much upheaval and changes in leadership this year. Collectively we can prayvfor leaders with integrity and high intention to win the elections round the world. Every prayer or intention makes a difference. The spiritual hierarchy already has this in hand. During the Monadic merge meditation facilitated in October 2023 thousands of lightworkers round the world petitioned the Intergalactic Council to bring forward leaders of integrity, vision and courage to take us forward. Since then the Intergalactic Council have told me that this is being actioned. The most important thing now to replace that petition is for the masculine and feminine energy on Earth to come into balance so that men and women, respect, love and trust each other. Mary Magdelene has accepted this petition and we continue to present it to the Intergalactic Council each day.
At last, our consciousness is ready to embrace and utilise technology in the way it was intended, ie. to give us more free time to enjoy our lives and nature, and also to make our lives easier. And more useful technology will come forward this year as scientists are ready for the seed ideas dropped in by the spiritual world. By 2032 frequency bands will be available that do not harm human brains or dolphins, bees or other insects. And this process will start in a small way this year.
April 2024
Old structures will continue to collapse. During April finances In particular will come to the fore. A year ago the forecast was of many financial institutions collapsing this year but due to the rising frequency this will now be a more gentle Journey towards change. It is good to see how much influence humanity has already had on the world.
At this time much will be done, long overdue, to clean up the media. People will be seeking more positive and balanced information and new channels for providing this will evolve. There will be big changes in commerce and business. Huge businesses like Amazon will start to decline as all dinosaurs do.
The events of April will trigger a mass elevation of consciousness so that many will wake up and shift into the fifth dimension during the second part of the year.
Create your own reality
2024 brings endless possibilities so be clear about your vision, trust it, focus on it and only think and speak in positive terms about it. Give no attention to the fear-based predictions that are being spread about for we certainly have the power to create them if we believe in them. WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE, YOU CREATE.
Some things are certain. 2024 will be a time of change and awakening. More and more people are opening their hearts, looking for meaning, taking personal responsibility for their lives and seeking spiritual answers.
Numerology of 2024
2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8. 2024 is a number 8 year, in other words, this year is influenced by the vibration of 8 which represents equilibrium. Its influence brings about a balance between the material and the spiritual. On the downside you may gamble away your money or your opportunities. On the plus side, you may be touched by big visions and ambitions and the confidence to attain them. You could become a visionary or a successful business person.
All things are possible this year. And we create our own reality no matter what is happening in the world. Higher energies dissolve lower ones.
Statistically, there will be more peace in the world in 2024 though world peace will not happen until 2032. However, we can all make a difference.
Peace meditation
Close your eyes and invoke Archangel Christiel, the pure white Angel of Peace.
Ask him to enfold you in his soft white wings.
Ask him to awaken peace and serenity in your heart.
Ask him to awaken in you harmlessness to all people and creatures.
Then ask him to whisper thoughts of peace to the whole of humanity.
And feel the safety and wonder of the world at peace.
Diana Cooper’s spiritual journey started 40 years ago with an angelic visitation and she has worked with Angels ever since. She has written 33 books translated into 28 languages.
She has travelled world-wide sharing inspiration from the higher realms and now teaches regular on-line courses. She founded the Diana Cooper School of White Light, a not-for-profit organisation offering spiritual teaching courses throughout the world.