Based on forecasts from the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), snowfall in the north and central regions above 800/1,000 meters is expected in the next two days, as well as strong sea agitation, with waves of up to seven meters on the coast. western region, reaching maximum peaks of 11 meters.

More intense wind is also forecast on the coast and in the highlands, with gusts of up to 80km/h.

Given the change in weather conditions, ANEPC calls for extra care on the road, with slippery road surfaces due to the possibility of ice, frost and snow accumulating.

It also warns of possible accidents on the coast due to strong sea waves, falling branches or trees, as well as infrastructure associated with communications and energy networks, in addition to thermal discomfort among the population due to the sharp drop in minimum temperature.

Civil Protection recalls that “the possible impact of these effects can be minimised, especially through the adoption of appropriate behaviors” by making some recommendations, especially for the most vulnerable areas.

It recommends, among other things, increased attention to the most vulnerable groups, such as young children, chronically ill people, elderly people or people in conditions of greater isolation, workers who work outdoors and homeless people.

It also calls for adequate fixing of loose structures, namely scaffolding, billboards and other suspended structures and care when traveling and staying near wooded areas, due to the possibility of falling branches and trees, due to stronger wind.

It also calls for special care when traveling near the coastline and riverside areas that are historically more vulnerable to coastal overtopping.