The weather is starting to improve, with temperatures this weekend expected to reach 26ºC.

But until then, the maximum temperatures on the continent will be between 12ºC this Tuesday, in the district of Guarda, and 20ºC in Beja, Évora, Setúbal, Évora, Leiria, and Braga.

The forecast from the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), reports that the minimum temperatures will be recorded in the districts of Guarda and Bragança, with 0ºC, Vila Real, with 1ºC, Viseu, with 2ºC, Braga and Coimbra, with 3ºC, Évora, Leiria, Castelo Branco and Santarém with 5ºC.

In Lisbon, thermometers are to reach 18ºC and not drop below 8ºC. Although the same maximum temperatures are predicted in Porto, the minimum temperatures can reach 7ºC.