Drink & Draw

Drink & Draw on 5th of April from 7pm until 9pm on Rua do Prior 15, in partnership with the new art bar Palimpsestu, we will have the first Drink & Draw meeting.

The bar is located on the ground floor of the building where we have our gallery and which was designed by our resident artist Tom Leamon! We couldn't have chosen a better place for this event!

The first session will be facilitated by the Farense artist Sara Pontes, who has many fun tasks prepared for the participants! The participation fee is €25 and includes 2 drinks, live model and all the material.

Come and spend a good time among art and new friends.

Registration until April 3rd for gamaragagallery@gmail.com

Fauna and Flora

Introduction to Stamp Engraving

Inspired by the fauna and flora, we will learn the basic techniques of linocut by drawing and engraving our own stamps on rubber blocks (recommended for beginners), which can be reused over and over again. Let's get to know the techniques and materials needed to start and play with composition and colour, exploring different combinations.

Date: 13th April 10am -1pm

Duration: 3h

Age: over 15

Price: 45€

Registration: gamaramagallery@gmail.com

Address: R. do Prior 13, 8000-301 Faro