During the first two months of this year, in turn, municipal licensing registered a decrease of 0.9%, year-on-year, in the total number of licenses issued for new construction or rehabilitation works in residential buildings, AICCOPN also states.

As for the number of licensed dwellings in new constructions, it is noted that until March there was a decrease of 12.4%, year-on-year, for a total of 4,811 dwellings.

The volume of new housing credit granted by financial institutions, excluding renegotiations, registered a year-on-year increase of 26.1% in the first two months of this year, to a total of 2,321 million euros.

In February, the implicit interest rate on mortgage loans stood at 4.64%, which represents an increase of 2.11 percentage points, compared to the same month last year.

As for the median housing valuation value for bank credit purposes, in the month of February, there was an appreciation of 5.5%, year-on-year, in the face of variations of 2% in apartments and 6.1% in housing.