In the motion, approved with votes against from the “Novos Tempos” coalition (PSD/CDS-PP/MPT/PPM/Aliança) and in favour of the remaining political forces, it is stated that “access to housing is the biggest challenge facing Lisbon residents” and that “the increase in real estate demand has kept the value of properties and rents unaffordable for the middle class”.

According to official data, around 8,200 local accommodations did not provide the necessary paperwork, within the legal deadline established for this purpose.

The signatories of the document emphasise that the elimination of limitations on local accommodation, in force in some areas of the city of Lisbon, could worsen problems in access to housing and urge the president of the municipality, Carlos Moedas (PSD), to negotiate with the Government, led by social democrat Luís Montenegro, maintaining the measures.

“We know that the CDS and PSD have always voted against any measure limiting local accommodation, but, Mr. President, what we ask of you is that with this motion you put aside ideological rigidity and respond to people’s real problems”, said socialist deputy Inês Drummond, during the presentation of the document.

In this sense, the approved motion urges the Government, “in matters of housing, in the municipalities where housing shortages have been declared, not to revoke the limitations on local accommodation in force”, mandating the Mayor of Lisbon as an intermediary in the process.