Yes, I will spend the livelong day
With Nature in this month of May;
And sit beneath the trees, and share
My bread with birds whose homes are there …

The idea of communing with nature fits in perfectly with what I’ve felt called to do recently.

I don’t know how you feel, but I feel that we, as a world are coming through a period of stress. The media is full of turbulent events, and if we choose to watch the news, it can weigh heavy on us. Then, there’s the insidious social media containing so many different versions of an event, that it’s hard to see what’s true or what’s been manipulated and to what end? It’s tricky to establish what’s real and what’s not.

I believe that there are so many different scenes being played out at the moment in society, and there’s no one sole truth. There are so many different overlapping events happening in the world, and it is too difficult to see what’s right and what’s wrong- for there are different layers of right and wrong.

What can we do about it?

Instead of getting bogged down by world events, we can take a step back and not allow this energy into our homes, our ‘happy bubble’. Where we feel called to give headspace to what’s going on, we can use our discernment, and decide what feels right for us- it can be different from what is right for someone else, but that’s OK- It’s up to us to live in our own truth.

To avoid feeling overwhelmed, we can connect to the constants in our lives, the things which act as anchors- our friends, family, or pets- anything that we can rely on to act as a supportive influence.

We can connect to the present and allow ourselves to be centered in the present moment - go for a walk in nature or by the sea and limit our time on social media.

To connect to the present moment, we can regulate our breathing by taking a deep breath in, holding, and exhaling with a longer breath. We can use all our senses too- by focussing on what we can see, hear, feel, smell, etc. It enables us to ground to that moment in time and stops our minds being overrun.

These acts, although small, can make a big difference in our lives- why don’t you try one and see?

I trust you find this article useful this month and here’s to a mindful May!

Many blessings,

Sally x

Credits: envato elements;

Crystals to help this month:

Howlite- helps you unwind and remain calm.

Aquamarine helps you release negative thought patterns.

Tiger’s Eye is grounding and gives courage.


I am grounded and blessed, happy in my bubble of joy.


Sally saw Angels as a child and could occasionally see and feel people who had passed over. This ability grew as she got older and she now gives readings, as well as channelling Ascended Masters. She often works with Mary Magdalene and channels information from Lord Kuthumi. She is available for readings and spiritual development sessions both online and in person (heaven2heart). 

Sally Hinchcliffe