The new Citizen Card was presented at the Lisbon Cruise Terminal, as part of the presentation of the “New Generation of Public Services: + Next, + Agile, + Connected”, and will begin to be issued from June 10th, the day that marks the Day of Portugal, Camões, and the Portuguese Communities, according to a report by idealista.


This is one of the biggest new features of the new Portuguese identification document. Although the card remains in physical format, 50% of its characteristics are now digital. And the biggest highlight is contactless technology.

This technology is already well known to all of us, and is widely used in bank cards. So, simply bring your new Citizen Card close to a terminal, whether in the public or private sector, for the document information to be quickly made available.

In this way, the use of card readers will no longer be necessary, although the card will continue to be compatible with old reading devices, requiring only a software update made available by the Portuguese State.

These new digital features will also allow the Citizen Card and Passport systems to be compatible. This means that when you renew your Passport, or do it for the first time, you do not need to provide all your personal data, as they will be easily and quickly read.


Your future new Citizen Card will be one of the safest identity documents in the world. In order to keep it in compliance with the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) standard, safety was the main investment target.

In total, there are more than 30 physical, electronic, and digital security elements, which make falsification almost impossible. This investment will facilitate border control and security processes.

Innovative design

The new features in the Portuguese identification document also include aesthetics. The design will be different, with the letters and the face photograph larger, and the chip will move to the back.

And don't be surprised when you see a new Citizen Card for the first time, because when we say that the photo will be bigger, it will actually be much bigger, to the point of taking up around a third of the card. The objective is to improve perception and ensure that the document actually belongs to its holder.


The new identification document can also be used as a transport ticket or as an electronic ticket for shows.

Furthermore, you will also be able to use it, for example, in a hospital, simply by touching the card to check in, or in another service that has this type of machines, such as Social Security and Finance services.

Is it mandatory?

Changing to the new identification document will not be mandatory for those who have this valid document. You will only have the new Citizen Card when it is time to renew it.

Regarding costs, the values for this change have not yet been disclosed, the only thing known is that the identity document continues to be free for children in their first year of life.