The Moagem de Sabóia Business Incubator, which is already operating, represented an investment of around 900 thousand euros, with community financing, through the Alentejo 2020 regional operational program.

“This space was industrial, created a lot of wealth, ‘died’ and is now ‘reborn’ with a new meaning”, explained the president of the Alentejo coastal municipality, Hélder Guerreiro, to Lusa.

The city council aims to focus this new space on “people who are capable of working with the entire territory”.

To this end, he continued, the new Moagem Business Incubator wants to take advantage of the train line that passes through Sabóia and connects the town to Lisbon and Faro, in order to attract “cultural and creative industries”.

The new Moagem de Sabóia Business Incubator is equipped with several offices, meeting rooms, and 20 co-working spaces.