In 2022, 162 million cubic meters of water were wasted, warns Deco Proteste, adding up to 88 million euros of unbilled water in one year and around 840 million euros in ten years, according to data from the Water and Water Services Regulatory Authority (ERSAR).
Deco Proteste counted 87 municipalities, of the 278 municipalities on the continent, with increases in real losses of water, and 161 with reduction.
"Although there are some improvements, 20 municipalities have not provided information to the regulator, and in 10 there is still no data that allows comparison between 2022 and 2021", says the consumer protection association in a statement.
Among the 161 municipalities whose water losses decreased in percentage terms compared to the previous year, the five that stood out the most were Alcácer do Sal, Cuba, Palmela, Penedono, and Barreiro.
According to Deco Proteste, the water supply network is aged in 62% of municipalities and in 70% there is unsatisfactory rehabilitation or no rehabilitation of pipes over 10 years old.
Among the municipalities that rehabilitate the most in percentage terms is Mora, in the district of Évora, and Marinha Grande, but also Amadora and Oeiras, Viana do Alentejo, and Portalegre.
Based on the analysis of water losses in Portugal, Deco Proteste warns of the urgent need to rehabilitate the water supply infrastructure at a national level, highlighting that it is necessary to accelerate to avoid the losses - economic and environmental - that still occur .