“Today, the 20th, will be the last day with precipitation. Generally scattered and weak showers are expected in the southern region, but are unlikely in the Algarve”, said the meteorologist from the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA).

“From tomorrow, June 21st, we will have no precipitation, slightly cloudy or clear skies in most of the country, and temperatures will begin to rise gradually, especially the maximum temperatures, until Sunday. Then they will be stable with values ​​more typical for summer”.

For today, maximum temperatures are expected to vary between 17 degrees Celsius in Guarda and 26 in Faro, then registering a small rise on Friday with 30 degrees in Beja, 29 in Évora, and 28 in Castelo Branco.

On Saturday, maximum temperatures of 34 degrees are expected in Beja and 32 in Castelo Branco and Évora.

The summer solstice begins at 8:51 pm today (Lisbon time), ending on September 22, with the arrival of autumn.