In a note following the Council of Ministers, the executive fulfilled some promises made following the presentation and approval of the Action Plan for Migration, at the beginning of the month and extended "for one year, until 30 June, 2025, the validity of the documents and visas relating to stay in national territory".

The high number of processes pending at the Agency for Integration, Migrations and Asylum (AIMA), which were estimated as being 410 thousand cases, has made the process of renewing documents for many immigrants, be they residence permits, visas, work or mobility visas from the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries.

In the released statement, the government states that it approved a decree-law that assigns to AIMA "a mission of proactively attracting immigrants", "taking over and valuing the Migration Observatory as an organ" of those government agencies.

In parallel, the executive approved a resolution that creates a "Mission Structure for the Recovery of Pending Processes at AIMA", which "will be responsible for analysing and deciding pending processes for the regularisation of foreigners".

This "Mission Structure will operate until 2 June 2025, and will have up to 300 people dedicated to functions related to both the administrative processing of cases and assistance to applicants".

In parliament, the president of AIMA, Luís Goes Pinheiro, expressed confidence that, in the summer of 2025, the pending issues will be resolved and that the authorities will only have to process current cases.