According to the “Summer Travel Trends 2024” report, London remains at the top of preferences for tourists from Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Africa, but Lisbon stands out in several regions, being the third most sought-after destination by Europeans, the fourth among tourists from Latin America and the ninth among North American tourists.

“This data, which places Lisbon in the Top 10 of three of the most relevant markets, highlights the growing attractiveness of the Portuguese capital among travellers from all over the world”, considers Sojern.

The data in this report is confirmed by a previous study, dated February 2024, which also indicated that “Portugal continues to be a highly sought-after destination in some key markets, with around 75% of flight bookings coming from 10 countries”.

“Germany leads as the largest issuing market with 15.3%, followed by the United States with 11.0%. Compared to 2023, there is an increase in flight bookings from Germany and the United States, reflecting Portugal's growing attractiveness among tourists from these countries”, adds Sojern.

Sojern's “Travel Outlook” also shows that travellers to Portugal are planning their trips further in advance, with 38.53% of reservations made more than three months in advance, with stays predominantly lasting four to seven days (34.46%) or eight to 14 days (29.74%), with a balance between individual travellers (36.1%), couples (32.8%) and families (31.1%).

“These trends indicate a preference for longer stays and more careful planning of trips”, considers Sojern.

The data also shows that there is already “significant growth in travel bookings for the Christmas period”, as there is a 48% increase in the number of tickets issued compared to the same period in 2023.

“This increase can be attributed to Portugal's milder climate, making it an attractive option for tourists from northern Europe during the colder months. The trend is for trips to be distributed more evenly throughout the year, with peaks in February, March, and the summer months, but with growing interest towards the end of the year”, Sojern also says.

According to Jesús Ramírez Medina, Sales Director of Sojern's Hotels division, the most recent data shows that “Portugal, and especially Lisbon, is gaining prominence as a preferred destination for tourists from different parts of the world”.