“Avadouriense, together with the CNA – National Confederation of Agriculture, decided today to hold [a] demonstration because of three serious problems that [could lead to] the beginning of the end of the Douro Demarcated Region”, Vítor Herdeiro, president of the Association of Winegrowers and Family Farming of Douro (Avadouriense), which is based in Vila Real, told Lusa.

On the eve of the interprofessional council of the Douro and Porto Wine Institute (IVDP), the person in charge warned of a possible new cut of 20 thousand barrels to be transformed into Port wine in this harvest.

“We benefited from 120 thousand kites and, last year, we benefited from 102 thousand kites, that is, there had already been a cut of 20 thousand. Now, they want [to establish a benefit] of around 80 thousand kites”, he stated.

If this reduction occurs, “these grapes will not be used as Port wine and will have to be used as consumer wine”, a “serious problem” for Douro winegrowers who have already suffered a cut in yield per hectare.

“We are completely against the cut [in the benefit] of Port wine because there has already been a cut, for the first time in the Douro Demarcated Region, also in the yield per hectare. This year we will only be able to [transform] eight barrels per hectare into red wine and around nine barrels into white wine”, he highlighted.

Vítor Herdeiro also added that some winegrowers received letters indicating that the trade, responsible for exporting Port wine, would not receive wine this year due to excess production.

“We are afraid that there will be a social catastrophe here in the Douro Demarcated Region. This is the beginning of the end, it is putting small and medium-sized farmers at risk. There are many medium-sized farmers who practically live only on this and will have a very serious situation if they are not given their grapes”, reiterated the leader.

If the IVDP interprofessional council approves the planned cut in the amount of the benefit, in addition to the cut in income and the fact that producers cannot deliver their grapes to export houses, this will be an “unprecedented” situation in the Douro Demarcated Region.

“This has never happened before. When the State introduced more than eight million euros last year for the distillation of excess wine, it is incomprehensible how there is still an excess this year. Therefore, there is wine from other regions entering here”, stressed Vítor Herdeiro.

The official warned of the need for the Government to intervene and resolve these problems, with “serious and fair” measures aimed at winegrowers.

“What we are asking is for the Government to introduce specific measures, which allows export houses to keep the grapes from the winegrowers and that there is no cutting of 20 thousand barrels, which represents a cut of 20 million euros in the Douro Demarcated Region this year alone, in addition to the 20 thousand that were already cut three years ago, in other words, it is a cut of 40 million euros if this goes ahead”, he warned.

The demonstration by Douro winegrowers will take place in Peso da Régua on 7 August and will aim to ensure the flow of grapes and stop cuts in income and profits.

“If we don’t resolve anything in this demonstration, we will move forward, in the middle of the harvest, with an even stronger one”, he assured.