As explained by the CCDR, the objective of the measure is to “contribute to the natural pollination of plants, promoting the conservation and recovery of the biodiversity of native flora, supporting the maintenance of the bee population”.

According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, “more than 300 applications have already been submitted nationwide for this support”, which has a total available budget of €20 million, for which “individuals or legal entities, of a public or private nature, who carry out beekeeping activities” are eligible.

However, the regional commission stressed that only “one application per beneficiary will be accepted during the three-year commitment period”, which are “essential conditions” for beekeepers to be registered as IFAP beneficiaries and to update their Bank Identification Number (NIB), email address and information contained in the Beekeeping Activity Register.

“The support is granted in the form of a non-refutable grant, with a fixed amount, depending on the level in which the beneficiary is located: with between 10 and less than 25 hives, the support is €125 and for those who have between 50 and less than 150 hives, the aid is €250”, the commission explained.

In the Algarve, “beekeeping has significant relevance, resulting in a production of over 1,500 tonnes of honey per year, carried out by more than 1,200 registered beekeepers, the vast majority of whom are professionals”, the CCDR highlighted.

The Faro district is the region of the country with the “highest proportion of professional beekeepers”, a category recognised for producers with more than 150 hives, stated the CCDR of the Algarve, a geographical area where beekeeping activity has been affected in recent years by drought.