“It is an immense joy, we are all euphoric, on cloud nine. An achievement and a giant step for national artistic gymnastics. A historic moment. It is difficult to find words after the work, spirit of sacrifice, willpower of Filipa and her coaches José Ferreirinha and Joana Carvalho, the club, the association… everyone who has accompanied her over the decades since her first coach, Cristina Gomes”, praised Luís Arrais, in statements to Lusa.

Filipa Martins secured one of the 24 places in the Paris2024 final, achieving 53,166 points, with 14,133 in vaults, thanks to the Yurchenko double pirouette, 13,800 in the asymmetrical parallel bars, her specialty, 12,633 on the floor and 12,600 on the beam.

“Filipa has put in a lot of work, great will, great motivation and a great spirit of sacrifice. It’s huge. An achievement that has been desired for decades and that has finally happened”, the director congratulated himself.