The deadline for paying the last instalment, also for those whose amount to be paid is over 100 euros and under 500 euros (in this case the second instalment), ends on 30 November.

When is IMI paid?

IMI is paid in one go, during the month of May, when its amount is under 100 euros. If the amount is between 100 and 500 euros, it can be split into two instalments paid in May and November. If it exceeds 500 euros, it is split into three instalments to be paid in May, August and November.

The tax is levied on the Taxable Property Value (VPT) of properties, with a single rate of 0.8% for rural properties (land) and a rate that ranges from 0.3% to 0.45% for urban properties (buildings and land for construction).

The IMI is calculated and charged by the Tax Authority, but it is the local authorities that decide, each year, which rate they wish to apply in their municipality, within the aforementioned ranges. They are also responsible for deciding whether to join the IMI family tax, a mechanism that gives a discount to resident families, or whether to apply increased rates to vacant or ruined properties.