The document states that the MP handled 732,877 investigations last year, including 480,208 new cases and 252,669 that were carried over from 2022, which is above the total of 658,349 investigations handled that year. This represents a 10.4% increase in new cases initiated compared to the 435,042 in 2022.

“428,458 investigations were concluded, which represents around 58.1% of the total number of investigations handled in the year, and an increase of 4.3% in completed investigations compared to 2022 when 410,808 investigations were concluded. 304,419 investigations were pending for the following judicial year”, can be read in the MP's summary report.

The number of concluded investigations was 10.8% below the number of new investigations, with the MP admitting that it fell short of its targets: “In 2023, the objective of concluding more investigations than the number of investigations initiated was not yet achieved”.

The report also states that charges were filed in 46,966 investigations, in addition to 14,397 cases in which the provisional suspension of the proceedings was applied, which translates into criminal proceedings with indictments in 61,850 investigations. On the other hand, the Public Prosecutor's Office indicates that 316,476 cases were shelved.

In 2023, 63,105 cases were sent for trial. Last year, 48,746 cases were tried, with the Public Prosecutor's Office achieving full or partial convictions in more than 42,000 trials (around 87%), with just over six thousand trials ending in an acquittal.