Joana Teixeira commented to Lusa news agency on data released by the GNR over the weekend, according to which, between 2 and 8 August, 289 drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol.

"This data from the GNR indicates a lack of knowledge about the effects of alcohol consumption on the Portuguese population, both on driving and on health", highlighted the psychiatrist and also the Coordinator of the Alcoholism and New Addictions Unit at the Lisbon Psychiatric Hospital Centre.

For the president of SAAP, the GNR figures also reveal that "what has been done in terms of preventing alcohol-related problems in Portugal has been clearly insufficient", arguing, therefore, that it is necessary to "improve prevention and intervention" in this area, "with measures that are truly effective".

"When drivers drive under the influence of alcohol, they put their lives and the lives of others at risk, both those in the car and those in other cars on the road", she warned.

Joana Teixeira said that these could be cases of occasional alcohol consumption or individuals with regular excessive consumption, but, "in any case, the principle 'if you drive, don't drink' is fundamental and should apply to all drivers".

The most recent data, from the 5th National Survey on the Consumption of Psychoactive Substances in the General Population 2022, revealed that the prevalence of alcohol consumption in Portugal increased from 49.1% to 56.4% between 2017 and 2022.

"Alcohol is a risk factor identified by the World Health Organization for more than 200 diseases and injuries", recalled the psychiatrist.