As per published regulations, the municipality of Coimbra is offering free access to sports equipment and a one-euro monthly permit for urban transport to volunteer firefighters. The paper states that, among other things, the legislation stipulates that incentives would be given to the volunteer corporations of Coimbra and Brasfemes, particularly to firefighters who have served with excellence and efficiency for more than a year.

In addition to the social benefits to be provided, it provides personal accident insurance, which is overseen by the City Council, and covers the active bodies of the separate commands. Moreover, further advantages encompass utilising public facilities and apparatus, such as being free to use municipal swimming pools and athletic fields or receiving a 40% reduction on events organised by the municipality at the Convent of São Francisco by using the Friend Card.

The municipality "intends to recognise and praise the competence and spirit of sacrifice, generosity and selflessness demonstrated by the women and men firefighters of the aforementioned volunteer fire brigades in fulfilling the public mission of protecting and rescuing people and property," Coimbra’s Mayor José Manuel Silva has stated in the explanatory note for the regulation, which is currently up for public consultation.

The mayor also emphasises the importance of the regular assistance that the National Institute of Medical Emergencies, the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority, and the Firefighters' Company - an organic division of the City Council - get from the volunteer fire brigades of Coimbra and Brasfemes.