In December 2024, 10,786 deaths were recorded, 1,356 more than in November, but 1,377 fewer than in December of the previous year.

In terms of birth rates, in November 2024, there were 7,053 births, which corresponds to 5.2% less compared to the month of October (7,438) and 5.4% less compared to the same month in 2023 (7,457).

In November, the natural balance was thus, according to the IBGE, -2,345, worsening in relation to the same month in 2023, when it registered -2,095.

In November 2024, 1,863 marriages were celebrated, which corresponds to a decrease of 45.1% in relation to the number of marriages performed in October 2024 (minus 1,530), but 5% (89) more than in November 2023.