Based on forecasts from the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), the regional maritime authority indicates that, on the north coast, waves will increase to 5.5 meters in height and that in the south, they could reach four metres in the eastern part and five metres in the western area.
Regarding visibility, it reports that it can be “good to moderate, temporarily becoming poor to poorer”.
The wind can be “very fresh to strong” at times, blowing between 40 and 61 kilometres per hour.
“The entire maritime community and the general population are advised to take precautions, both when preparing to go to sea and when at sea or in coastal areas,” insists the captaincy.
The regional authority has recommended that mooring be reinforced and that anchored vessels be closely monitored, that walks by the sea or in areas exposed to rough seas be avoided, and that recreational fishing be avoided, especially near cliffs and cliff areas frequently hit by breaking waves.