In a statement, Carris has reported that “negotiations of the Company Agreement are underway with all trade unions representing workers”, but, despite the “negotiation process being underway”, STRUP - Union of Road and Urban Transport Workers of Portugal, affiliated “to CGTP-IN, has declared a strike notice” for Tuesday.

“On that day, there may be some disruptions to the regular transport service”, highlighted the public road transport company in Lisbon, adding that, “by decision of the Arbitration Court, minimum services will be ensured for the period in which” the strike is taking place.

In this sense, Carris highlighted “the operation of 100% of the routes 703 [Charneca-Bairro Padre Cruz], 708 [Martim Moniz-Sacavém (Urb. Real Forte)], 717 [Praça do Chile-Fetais], 726 [Sapadores-Pontinha Centro], 735 [Cais do Sodré-Santa Maria Hospital], 736 [Rossio-Odivelas], 738 [Estrada da Luz-Alto de Santo Amaro], 751 [Campolide-Linda-a-Velha Station], 755 [Poço do Bispo-Sete Rios], 758 [Cais do Sodré-Portas de Benfica], 760 [Gomes Freire-Ajuda Cemetery] and 767 [Campo Martyrs of the Fatherland-Reboleira (Metro)]”.

“Carris will make every effort to minimise the inconvenience of this partial interruption of service and regrets any inconvenience caused to customers,” concluded the company’s statement.

STRUP, in a statement, called for “a great day of struggle with a 24-hour strike and the holding of a general plenary session” on Tuesday, to “respond to the provocations” of a board of directors that “shows signs” of dealing very badly with “democracy and a right, such as the right to strike”.

For STRUP/Federation of Transport and Communications Unions (Fectrans), the administration has “tried to impose a low-wage policy, while maintaining the so-called ‘excellence’ award and providing cover” for the Lisbon City Council, shareholder and responsible for the company’s management, “to cut funds from Carris’ budget and transfer them to others”, as was the case with the ‘Web Summit’”.

“This cut alone would have resulted, as we stated at the time, in a salary increase of 109 euros for each worker,” the trade union organisation pointed out.