According to ECO, A total of 25,933 young people have already benefited from the total or partial exemption from the municipal tax on onerous real estate transactions (IMT) and stamp duty when purchasing their first home. The number of homes purchased by beneficiaries of this measure amounted to 18,213, with the average value of the homes transacted standing at 189 thousand euros .
“The accumulated value of the tax benefit granted to young people with this measure already exceeds 100 million euros ”, with 75.3 million euros relating to the IMT Jovem and 26.4 million euros relating to the Stamp Duty for Young People, according to data provided by the Ministry of Finance to Público.
Launched in August last year, the measure covers young people up to 35 years of age and guarantees total exemption from both taxes in the case of purchasing a first home for permanent residence, up to 316,772 euros. This is unless the purchase is made using bank credit, since, in this case, exemption from IMT is guaranteed, but stamp duty on the value of the financing remains.