Decree-Law (DL) 20/2020 says that “the use of masks or visors is mandatory when using public passenger transport”, stressing that non-compliance “constitutes an offense, punishable by a minimum fine” of 120 euros and a maximum of 350 euros.
The diploma, which comes into force on Sunday, May 3, also states that “the use of masks or visors is mandatory for access or permanence in spaces and commercial establishments and the provision of services, services and buildings serving the public and in educational establishments and daycare centers by teaching and non-teaching staff and students over the age of six ”.
This obligation "is waived when, depending on the nature of the activities, its use is impracticable", reads in the diploma.
The document warns that it is up to the people or entities, public or private, that are responsible for the respective spaces or establishments, services and public buildings or means of transport, to promote compliance with these rules.
In the event of non-compliance, persons or entities “must inform users not wearing a mask that they cannot access, remain or use the spaces, establishments or collective passenger transport and inform the authorities and security forces accordingly if users insist on not comply with that obligation ”, says the DL.
I'm confused you get a fine for no mask but there is no communication on how and where to get or buy a mask.
By chandos from Lisbon on 03 May 2020, 14:42
Exactly!!! I haven't seen a single mascara for sale anywhere in the City of Portimao. And theportugalnews does not provide any such information either
By the Wolf of Akgarve from Algarve on 03 May 2020, 20:02
What I did, just ordered a washable mask from store as otherwise it would be waste of time looking where to buy. Only have one question why only now they made such a rule? Wasn't it smarter to do that when it was the highest rate of infections per day?
By Romas from Porto on 03 May 2020, 20:09
The next battle, after this, which will happen soon, will be about who has the bread and who doesn’t. Then the masks are not asked .... Then the order of these things is set again and our decision makers are asked if everything was necessary or not. That is sure at there is not bread to all anymore and all money has disappears somewhere else.
By Jussi from Lisbon on 03 May 2020, 23:41
Which is why this solution is so financially attractive for the state.
By John Dough from Lisbon on 04 May 2020, 07:20
they sell them at Pingo Doce for 26 Euros a pack of 50, also it is easy to make one yourself, just fold a scarf...
By Tanja Dehmel from Lisbon on 04 May 2020, 09:06
Citizens reporting on each other for breaking laws. Remember the last time this happened in Europe?
By Nespereira from Porto on 04 May 2020, 09:18
if you cannot buy a mask in the shop ,you should be given one .like in spain. ??
By graham from Lisbon on 04 May 2020, 10:17
I didn't know about this new rule until yesterday when I went shopping in the Continente near where I live and was stopped from entering because I didn't have a mask on. The security man at the entrance made a call though and I was allowed to buy a pack of 10 from the Wells shop that is in the same building. A member of staff came and sorted out my order. I was then allowed in. So, for those wondering where to get masks, you might try asking at any branch of Wells.
By Steve Andrews from Other on 04 May 2020, 10:30
Not allowed to buy food in CHAVES, with out paying 7 euro for a pack of ten mask @ Continente Modelo Chaves.
I only need one, but they are using this to profit from people suffering. 3 months no masks are compulsory. The guard had no mask on, he had a face shield.
I need my money for food, not to make them profit from a law that does not exist. I looked at this document it says nothing about masks in public being law.
So i asked the 2 police officers who had no masks, they said i had to cover my face.
They don't know what law this is either, it seems to be opinion only.
Now i will wear a scarf, wrapped around my head, covering my nose & mouth.
If they don't let me in, i want to be arrested.
After all it covers my mouth & nose.
Make up your mind GOVERNMENT your letting your people down.
Please someone state the law and give reference to it in a legal document.
If it exists show it, and offer free MASKS to people when you make up new laws that are compulsory.
TV, newspapers & web sites just give opinions, not FACTUAL links to this new LAW.
MASK SCAM on the public, give them FREE dont profit from COVID, it's immoral.
By Mark from Other on 04 May 2020, 10:48
If the government dictate unreasonably that we should all be wearing masks and other ppe if one is an employee then the government should provide them.
By Hazel from Beiras on 04 May 2020, 12:28
In the Algarve most people are wearing masks for weeks getting them from chemists that is why we only have 333 cases here. Do not be stupid but I agree they should be free to those in need.
By David from Algarve on 04 May 2020, 20:31
I live in portimao near Almeda Park but I see many people roaming here and there uselessly without mask. No one cares. I know emergency is over but it does not mean its festival time, people are on road like hell. I am an Indian but sorry to say many stupid guys go out on road late night in groups. They don't care even they sit in Almeda park and chat in groups. They should know this critical condition. And I. An see many people yelling for masks... Yeah they have money for wine and cafe but not for masks... Strange!
By virinder singh mahi from Algarve on 04 May 2020, 23:32
You can buy high quality re-useable cotton masks on Facebook.
Face Masks Lagos Portugal
By David from Algarve on 05 May 2020, 04:16
End this mask madness. They do not help with anything. At least in England goveremt provides exemption cards if you cannot wear them. Tourists do not want to come Algarve is looking like zombiland, cannot see people faces. Go out now as little as possible and will spend in Portugal as little as possible so not to encourage all this mask madness further, it's not good holidays it's depressing and people are simply brainwashed on following those stupid rules. Used to come here to Portimao few times a year, no more mask madness make it feel like really bad place.
By Smith from Algarve on 30 Sep 2020, 23:20
ln Olhao you can buy a single mask for 1 euro in an lndian shop just before the vegatable market, before you cross over the road !
By Karen from Algarve on 18 Oct 2020, 13:02
goodafter noon ,may i know how can i know about my fine . i could not recevied any latter from three month . can you tell me any contact .this is my number in that colam you can send me mseeage that number
By rahul from Lisbon on 04 Mar 2021, 13:11