In total, since the emergency relocation mechanism was rolled out in September 2015, and up until 7 February, 11,966 people have been relocated, 8,766 who were in Greece and 3,200 in Italy.
France was the country that took in most refugees from Greece (2,445) and Holland accepted most from Italy (422).
The temporary emergency relocation mechanism was rolled out in September 2015 by two European Union (EU) decisions in which member states undertook to relocate people who needed international protection from Italy and Greece.
Bad decision. Some of them can be secretive terrorists. Not a smart things to do. Someday Portugal will be very sorry. They need to prevent refugees until inspection is need to be safe and security. I am glad to be in Azores island.. No refugees and more safe. The Government in Portugal is a Lawless. Indeed. Sighing.
By azoreseuropa from USA on 09 Feb 2017, 13:01
As the colleague above said it is indeed a terrible decision the Portuguese government took.
Not touching in the religion or terrorism part but Portugal economical situation is not ideal so, instead of bringing people who will need more aid from the, already crippled, government, we should be investing in our own people and generate richness and opportunity so, then if we succeeded, we could bring people to our country.
Honestly it does not make any sense.
By Pedro from Other on 09 Feb 2017, 23:57
Portugal will get in double what it invests in helping others. These people are heroes. They lost everything and are eager to get a life back. Portugal itself has a huge number of people going to other countries for all sorts of reasons. Fleeing a country for not being killed is more than enough of a reason to be welcomed EVERYWHERE so, well done Portugal.
By RITA RUEFF from Other on 16 Feb 2017, 15:28