The nurses' strike lasts until Friday and is a protest against the health professionals’ weariness and demotivation. The Nurses’ Union that called the action, Sindepor, said the many nurses will still work despite the action because of the pandemic. Sindepor president Carlos Ramalho told Lusa News Agency the country’s nurses "have made many sacrifices over the years".
Nurses start a five-day "wake-up call" strike
By TPN/Lusa, in News · 10 Nov 2020, 09:58 · 3 Comments
I am assuming this photo is dated unless the nurses dont wear masks when not social distancing
By Daniel from USA on 10 Nov 2020, 21:10
Why nurses and care staff continue to be underpaid and undervalued in every country?! Time to give them recognition, support and decent pay.
By Annie from Algarve on 11 Nov 2020, 08:39
Not undervalued in every country. Before she retired my wife for the previous 10 years was averaging 128,000 a year in California. Not as portable as IT the health professions are somewhat portable. Portugal is just insuring there health systems eventual collapse. Really stupid policy, the salary at the least needs to be doubled.
By Bill Hansen from Lisbon on 29 Aug 2022, 16:02