A situation that is due to the poor conditions of the educational establishment, with a lack of thermal insulation, among others, and that has been going on “for years”. Now, in the middle of the covid-19 pandemic, the problem has only worsened because “the windows and doors must be open”, to air the rooms, several students reported to the Lusa agency.
After about an hour of protest, the students went to the Serpa Chamber, where a delegation from the student association was received by the executive. Outside, when they arrived at the City Hall, the vice-president of the municipality, Carlos Alves, addressed the students and conveyed the solidarity of the municipality, suggesting that the initiative should have taken place “with the Ministry of Education, in Lisbon , because this work is the responsibility of the Government ”.
The mayor assured, however, that the municipality “will proceed with the project of the work” sent by the Government and that, now, it will have to be adapted to this school and applied for community funds. "We have been talking to the ministry for years about this school, it should have been done already," said Carlos Alves.
Francisco Oliveira, director of the School Group No. 2 of Serpa, where this establishment is located, recalled that for years there has been a lack of works and also an agreement between the Ministry of Education and the city council. “Whenever the weather conditions are complicated, it is the kids who pay for this inside the classrooms. An agreement was never reached and we are the ones now suffering because of this”said the director.
Dieses Problem existiert seit mindestens 40 Jahren - seit meine Tochter hier Austauschschuelerin war - im ganzen Land. Einer schiebt dem Anderen den schwarzen Peter zu - eine Schande fuer das Land und eine Quaelerei fuer die Kinder!
By rakete from Algarve on 11 Jan 2021, 17:08
What the difference of how is thermal insulation good if 3 of 5 windows are opened b/c of antiCOVID requirements :)
By SS from Porto on 11 Jan 2021, 18:29
More than 2000 years ago, the Romans in the Iberian peninsula lived in villas with central heating via hot air circulated through pierced bricks in the walls and carried under the floor tiles. Somehow, the Portuguese forgot all this, and their houses, shops, cafes - nearly all buildings, are poorly constructed with very little insulation, heat loss through unsuitable materials such as tijolos and concrete, badly fitted windows and doors, etc. The technical skills of those who claim to be "trained" architects, engineers and builders in this country are a scandal, and during more than 5 years of struggling to find truly capable professionals, we have wasted a lot of money and time, only to come to the solution of importing a prefabricated house, built to German standards, so that we will not be forced to spend a fortune in future years on heating, or freeze to death in damp, chilly concrete bunkers. There needs to be a complete revolution of building standards, oversight by building inspectors, training to norther European standards and a stop to the iniquitous "jobs for the boys" system of "projects", some of which are totally unnecessary, but required by planning officials. Portugal should be ASHAMED of its terrible building standards. Stop denying the facts of your climate. It gets COLD in the winter every year! It is not only students who suffer from this fiasco, it's ALL of us!
By Judith Carol Irwin from Beiras on 11 Jan 2021, 19:10
This is why so many Portuguese flee to other countries that have central heating in homes, stores and schools. Portugal is still a third world country and money is only spent on Lisbon. The rest can freeze.
People who think that it is pleasant to over-winter in warm Portugal will be surprised how cold it can get.
By Freezing from Other on 12 Jan 2021, 12:09