"We are pleased with this very important victory for PAN which, after several demands, sees its concerns recognised, assisting the Government to take this civilizational step towards protecting our children and young people, avoiding exposing them to the violence of bullfighting, as the UN Committee on Children's Rights had already warned," said spokeswoman Inês de Sousa Real.
In a statement, the leader of People-Animals-Nature party, congratulated "the fact that the Government has finally fulfilled the agreement that was established with PAN", pointing out that this measure was decided in the Council of Ministers, and "arises from the negotiations of the Parliamentary Group of PAN - People-Animals-Nature with the Government under the State Budget" of 2021.
Inês de Sousa Real noted that "presence in bullfighting shows is only for people over 16 years old, similar to what happens for the access and exercise of the activities of bullfighting", noting that "finally the Portuguese State is protecting children and young people from the violence of bullfighting".
"This is a step of enormous importance, considering the number of complaints we receive that indicate the presence of minors in bullrings, minors who witness violence against animals," she added.
Inês de Sousa Real also stressed, in the statement, that PAN "will continue to defend" the abolition of bullfights.
The minimum age to watch a bullfight in Portugal will now move from 12 to 16, as decided by the Council of Ministers.
"This measure follows the report of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child of September 27, 2019, which defends the increase of the minimum age to watch bullfighting shows in Portugal", explained the Government.
The United Nations Committee on Children's Rights had recommended Portugal to change the minimum age to watch bullfights to 18 years.
The increase in the minimum age to go to bullfights has been publicly opposed by associations for the defense of bullfighting and by municipalities where bullfighting shows take place.
It would have been a "Victory" had they been able to ban bullfighting completely, the people that support it still live in the dark ages!
By Anna from Other on 17 Oct 2021, 08:05
This repulsive activity should be banned.
By Paolo from Algarve on 19 Oct 2021, 10:43
A very shallow victory , if one can consider this a victory
By luc gauthier from Other on 19 Oct 2021, 15:31
This evil practice of bull fighting needs to be banished. Portugal should stand up and be the leaders that they are and show the world that they strongly oppose this.
By Lisa from Other on 19 Oct 2021, 23:48