The story began during the first lockdown in 2020, when Steffen Ryborg prepaid an annual subscription to play golf at two golf courses (Silves and Alto) worth €1,699 per year. After that, the country was hit by the pandemic and several lockdowns followed. Despite his annual membership, the golf courses were closed and the golfer was not able to enjoy the days he had paid for.
Steffen Ryborg, who was a member with Pestana for nine years, asked for his money back. “For some years I have been a subscriber to Pestana, which offers golf all year round. During these lockdown periods, I have held meetings with Pestana and written countless emails to get my money back for the periods when I have not been able to use my membership - all without success. Therefore, I ended up choosing to take the case to the consumer complaints system in Portugal, which was finally settled by arbitration”, he said.
€595.81 compensation
As a result, the Algarve Consumer Arbitration Centre, on 23 February, ruled in favour of this consumer and Gramacho Carvoeiro Golf was ordered to pay €595.81 as compensation for the days when Steffen Ryborg was unable to play.
According to the court's decision: "Due to the mandatory lockdown and consequent closure of spaces intended for sport and leisure, the companies that provide these services have not been able to provide the service to which they are obliged by contract and although this breach is not their fault, customers cannot be obliged to pay the corresponding price, therefore, the monthly fee should not be charged.”
Doing the maths, this means that “paid subscription is divided by 365 days, the result obtained is multiplied by the days when there has been a lockdown. Calculations of course apply to both the year 2020 and the year 2021”, he explained.
Despite this victory in court, Steffen Ryborg will not receive the full amount he asked for. As he was unable to play both in 2020 and 2021 due to successive lockdowns, he asked for the amount of €2,276.00 for 100 days in 2020 and 90 in 2021, in which, for the same reasons, he has not been able to use the golf courses he paid for. However, after the production of judicial evidence, he was awarded €595.81.
“No good consumer protection”
All in all, Steffen Ryborg criticises consumer protection in Portugal, saying that it is not effective as it should be. “There is no good consumer protection in Portugal, all claims must be resolved in an arbitration court, and here a lawyer (that could be expensive) would be helpful unless you stand up in court and preach your views”.
Furthermore, the golfer said that during the lockdown “businesses can be supported through various government aid packages, but as a consumer, you don’t have that option, here you will have to ask companies to refund prepaid money for periods when you are prevented from using their service,” he said.
The Portugal News contacted Gramacho Carvoeiro Golf, but the company refused to make any comments regarding the case.
Paula Martins is a fully qualified journalist, who finds writing a means of self-expression. She studied Journalism and Communication at University of Coimbra and recently Law in the Algarve. Press card: 8252
Consumer rights????? Customer service?????? What is that in Portugal? The Portuguese are not interested in that at all. heavy taxation, increasing senseless regulations - now that is what the Portuguese are interested in.
By K from Algarve on 08 Mar 2022, 20:31
I honestly don't understand the entitled attitude from some of your readers. It is very disturbing to read comments that are so negative towards Portugal and its people. We have been in Portugal for a year now and services, people, and bureaucracy here is a million times better than in the US where we came from. I sincerely think people should move back to their home countries if they think it's so bad here. Why would anyone stay if they hate it so much?
By Michael Anderson from Porto on 09 Mar 2022, 13:08
Unfortunately, Portuguese beauracracy is geared toward process rather than outcome. Hence the never ending pickle in government and private institutions.
By Ian from Alentejo on 10 Mar 2022, 09:47
So many in the Algarve have worked tirelessly over the last couple of years and for no gain but just to make sure their clients were not out of pocket due to the pandemic.
The facts in the article speak for themselves.
* Mr. Ryborg paid a membership fee of €1,699 per year * 2 years = 3,398 Euros.
* The courses were closed for 100 days in 2020 and 90 days in 2021 equating to 26% of the period.
* €3,398 Euros * 26% = €884.
* Mr. Ryborg was seeking €2,276
I'm confident if Mr. Ryborg originally asked for a refund which was fair to both parties he would have received it without hesitation.
I'm glad the court found sense in the circumstances and only awarded Mr. Ryborg €595.
My heart goes out to those who are solely trying to help their clients but have to deal with this kind of person.
By JCT from Algarve on 10 Mar 2022, 12:58
Absolutely agree with JCT. Such greed and lack of empathy by some people is staggering!
By VMB from Algarve on 14 Mar 2022, 14:12
I have had a similar experience here with the same consumer organisation, and would very much like to contact Steffen Ryborg out of pure solidarity. Is there any chance of contact details please?
By Caroline Thomas from Algarve on 15 Jul 2022, 16:26