“That they analyse and make decisions, that they move forward with this intervention, that is what we are waiting for. The work of reflecting on needs has already been done. It is important to move forward towards the execution”, said the mayor of Ponte da Barca, in the district of Viana do Castelo.

Speaking to the Lusa, the social democrat Augusto Marinho said that the manifesto demanding the execution of the improvement of the road, signed in August by the mayors of Alto Minho and Galicia, “was sent to the Prime Minister of Portugal, António Costa, and to the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, but still no response".

In question is the road that connects Complementary Itinerary 28 (IC28) to the border of Madalena and Ourense, in Galicia, with a length of about 60 kilometres.

The improvement of the Portuguese section of that road, of about 30 kilometres, is estimated at 15 million euros and has been needed for over a decade. Built in the 1980s, and where “more than four thousand vehicles pass each day”, the road is “very winding and dangerous”.

Augusto Marinho said that the municipalities that signed that letter, in a ceremony held next to the Madalena border, in Lindoso, Ponte da Barca, will “articulate the measures and actions to be developed”, taking advantage of the fact that the Iberian Summit will take place in Viana do Castelo in October.