Sometimes it doesn’t have a clear translation at all, so the best way to understand this word is to explore lots of different examples.
“Logo” often conveys a sense of urgency or immediacy, much like “soon” or “as soon as possible”.
For example:
- Ela chegou logo depois de tu teres saído (She arrived right after you left)
- Eu chegarei aí logo logo! (I will be there very shortly!)
- Logo que vires esta mensagem, liga-me! (As soon as you see this message, call me!)
This sense of immediacy applies not just to time, but also to proximity in physical space:
O camião logo atrás do nosso carro despistou-se (The truck just behind ours went off the road)
“Logo” can also refer to a later point in time. Usually it means later on within the same day, rather than a very long time in the future.
For example:
- Falamos mais logo (We'll speak later)
- Queres encontrar-te comigo logo esta tarde? (Do you want to meet me later this evening?)
“Logo” sometimes emphasizes the intensity of a bad situation: Tiveste logo que vir neste dia? (Did you have to come on THIS day?) - Implies that today is not a good day to visit
Similar to “portanto” (therefore) and “consequentemente” (consequently), “logo” can introduce a conclusion that has been reached as the result of something happening.
For example:
- Não fomos à festa dela, logo ela ficou zangada (We didn’t go to her party, so she was angry)
- “Logo” also appears in many common expressions and phrases, which you can learn more about at
Até logo! (See you later!)