The Minister of Internal Affairs, José Luís Carneiro, has already set what will be the percentage that GNR officers will receive for each fine collected in customs and tax administrative offence proceedings.

According to an order signed on 29 May, and published on 9 June in the Diário da República, the officers will earn 15 percent in the case of customs offences and 10 percent in the case of tax offences. The measure is retroactive from 1 January 2022.

According to the law, when the GNR issues an administrative offence, 50 percent of the fine reverts to the Tax and Customs Authority. The other half is given to the GNR.

As for the percentage of the part that remains for the GNR office, which has now been fixed by Government bill, this is calculated on the value that goes to the GNR.

However, this new bill does not apply to any type of traffic fine or road infractions, but rather to offences involving, for example, the control of goods, smuggling of goods and fraud, among other types of infractions.


Paula Martins is a fully qualified journalist, who finds writing a means of self-expression. She studied Journalism and Communication at University of Coimbra and recently Law in the Algarve. Press card: 8252

Paula Martins