In Mainland Portugal, 2,926 GWh of electricity were generated in May 2023, of which 67.4% came from renewable sources", APREN said in a statement, explaining that the 5.5% increase compared to May 2022 was due to "the decrease of fossil incorporation of 14.6%, with 689 GWh having been produced, compared to 1,472 GWh in May 2022".

From January to May, the electricity generation sector emitted a total of 1.4 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2eq), with the renewable electricity sector avoiding the emission of 4.1 MtCO2eq and the expenditure of 887 and 374 million euros in the import of natural gas and electricity, respectively, indicated the association.

In May, an hourly average price was recorded on the Iberian Electricity Market (Mibel) in Portugal of 76.1 euros per megawatt-hour (MWh), with this value standing at 88.5 MWh in the first five months of the year.

According to APREN, from June 15, 2022, when the Iberian natural gas price cap mechanism came into operation, until May 31, it generated savings of 28.75 euros/MWh, which is equivalent to a 14.6% reduction in the average hourly price on the Mibel.

In total, 184.4 of the 260.5 terawatt hours (TWh) produced were subject to the consumer adjustment mechanism in the Iberian Peninsula.

APREN data also indicate that the National Electric System recorded, between January and May, an import balance of 4,022 GWh, with electricity exports of 1,506 GWh and imports of 528 GWh.


A passionate Irish journalist with a love for cycling, politics and of course Portugal especially their sausage rolls.

Rory Mc Ginn