Four years after the opening of the first store in Canidelo, in Vila Nova de Gaia, Mercadona estimates that it has generated more than 55,000 direct and indirect jobs, and tax revenues of more than 726 million euros in Portugal, having generated, throughout the production chain, sales of 4,422 million euros.

According to a report by ECO, last year alone, the Spanish retailer estimates the creation of almost 19,000 jobs, the generation of 263.2 million euros in public revenue and 1,477 million euros in sales in the national productive fabric.

As the company prepares to open its 42nd store in Portugal, Mercadona revealed the impact of its entry into the country, the first internationalisation market. The Spanish chain estimates that, in four years, 1,296.8 million euros were generated in terms of income, a period in which 726.5 million euros were generated in taxes for the Portuguese economy and 55,655 direct and indirect jobs were created and induced, according to a study by the Research Center for Economic and Business Policies at the University of Minho and Ivie (Valencian Institute of Economic Research).

With a network of 41 supermarkets — 49 by the end of the year — in ten districts, an operational logistics block in Póvoa do Varzim and another under construction in Almeirim to serve the expansion of the network in the Center and South of the country, Mercadona employs more 3,500 people in Portugal, with its activity having an impact on the national economy.

Last year alone, the chain purchased €789 million from around 1,000 suppliers in Portugal, but its impact is felt more widely. For every euro of revenue generated in the store, the retailer contributes nine euros to the Portuguese economy, in wages, rents and profits, points out the study by the University of Minho.